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Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day of the year 2019 took place on January 9, 2020. The program was started with the Celebration of Holy Eucharist in St. Augustine parish Church, presided by His excellence Bishop Angelo Pagano. After the Eucharistic celebration is concluded a breakfast, which was prepared by the staff, was served in the HCS hall. Then, the annual accomplishments of the year have been presented by Zenebe Tsegaw, the head of the program. As the program head highlighted in his conclusion, the year 2019 was accompanied by a lot of troubles and turmoil situation due to socio-political instability.


He stressed that the organization took a lot of efforts to ensure the safety and security of the staff; however, in spite of the effort, a good number of them have faced serious challenges from various groups. The management worked tirelessly to overcome the faced challenges negotiating indirectly through the 


government offices and directly to the concerned groups. We were obliged to pose our activities for the time being several times due to the escalation of tensions, yet, whenever we got good opportunity we doubled and tripled our efforts and manage to accomplish as equal as the other years. For this, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all ECC-SDCOH staff, management and partners. 

Following the presentation of the program head various types of certificate have been awarded to different staff.

  • Certificate of attendance: is given to sixteen staff of the finance department for attending the course organized on coast allocation. Namely - Fitsum Agonafir, Tereza Kebede, Nigist Kiros, Meraf Belay, Askale Neway, Balkew Damte, Lilina Getachew, Himanot  Shimelis, Hirut Ejigu, Wubit Tomas, Hiwot Zerihun, Behailu Endale, Tsigereda Taye, Yehwalashet G/Michael, Helen Alemu and Yibza Teshome

  • Certificate of appreciation: is given to fourteen staff. Namely - Etetu W/Mariam, Tsigereda Taye, Belay Alemayehu (Dr.), Edward Yoseph, Ashine Jemaneh, Bizuayehu Zerfu, Tireza Kebede, Nigist Kiros, Yibiza Teshome, Meaza Assefa, Gulilat Assefa, Nigussie Woldu, Genanaw Legesse and Tafesse Sisai.

  • Certificate of excellence: is given to Fitsumbirhan Gessesse for developing the direct coast allocation manual and training the finance staff.

  • Best performing award: is given to Etetu W/Mariam, Tsigereda Taye and  Tesfa Tsega & Dr. Belay Alemayehu.

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